Friday, March 14, 2025

monday morning at the beach high tide


monday morning at the beach high tide 
but almost no surf
waves as high as my ankles

the sun rises higher
peeks into the cove

light spilling down into a pool of sea
a curl of rocks & swaying seagrass
creates a translucent dream in water
chased with bubbles and foam 

like a place i'd assume
a goddess or miss nyad would emerge
so chaste so shy delicately dripping 


an enclosed getaway seen from the sand
table for two at an open double window
i've never seen it occupied
the rendezvous faces the sea on a cliff
there's art in the walls and cunning signal flags

sometimes they leave an outside spotlight on
it's a sodium arc oldish yellow pointing down
into the void to a spot on the sand 

they might sip tea at dawn's first light
or late in the night eat rare steaks
otherwise it seems like holding space

holding space commanding a sweet view
holding emptiness and being far away 
i am that tragedy and so are you 


high tide receding with gentle waves
at the place where seaglass has been gently placed
he reeks of cigarettes and marijuana
i wonder if he can smell it
we all reek i assume mine is sweet
to some i surely offend

now that i think about this
all i can do is sense

he faces the sea he takes a selfie coughs
he reeks and the sea reeks
but the morning light is right
near him i find purple sea glass of the rarest kind
under where he stood i find a piece that looks like a crystal

and dogs run free the pristine beach is marked
but no matter while we are away it will redraw
our stink molding somewhere else
and more seaglass but i must go
we all must go

Saturday, March 08, 2025

i never had it so good

for instance today

like last saturday
in the morning
i'll buy you a large coffee
and a croissant 

at the french cafe
down the street 
with locals 
and tourists

you won't remember
to ask until we get to 
the boutique just like
every saturday morning 

there's the same plane
flying north and 
the same strong sun
and hint of breeze

then i'll give you
the coffee and croissant
with a zarf on the drink 
& some added cream

i'll drive to the library
just like last time
and get new art books

i tried my whole life
to become something 
like every sports car
i see with the top down

i thought wanted 
what i could imagine 
and there could be
no unhappiness
in plotting

no regret in
gilding the lilly 

no regret dooming
my enemies 

now in this life
i know what 
saturday is like 
every saturday

has nothing to do
with conquering 
or getting even 
settling scores

i see so many
with a distant
look in their eyes
i never had it so good

Saturday, March 01, 2025

I want to write a story about how I’m going to remember you

I want to write a story about how I’m going to remember you, in a narrative like Kurt Vonnegut would imagine -- first we pull you magically out of thin air, then we put you into smoke, then vapor, then moisture, we put you into ashes and with a flash you go into an old body that is very still and pale. Under a sheet, then Voilà! You breath and you spend a few days visiting and then from time to you stay in different hospitals always getting a little bit better, stronger, more clear eyed. You tell stories, you help friends. Then as the years go by you get younger and younger, have a happy marriage and interesting career starting as a know it all but always learning something new every day. Giving up knowing it all, all along, finding one laughs more. Admiring waterfalls, mountains, rockets and rodeo queens. A fast car. Bunches of roses for lovers. Dreamy nights. Bright stars. Becoming thirty then twenty then teen, running and jumping and laughing and finding a crush then school, home, mom and pop in brighter and ever tightening circles, dawns and starry nights, orchards and field, your favorite dog, you’re small and fast and you sense the rhythm of all little things like waving strands of grass and polliwogs in the creek and you’ve got your blanket and then soon you’re being held close, everything amazingly given to you, now in such a safeness you don’t know where you are you’re in solace that gets bigger and bigger and even more peace, a humming and thrumming, until these definition between you and bliss becomes totally moot and even irrelevant.. sweet motion until there’s no sound no dark no light not taste touch thought or sensation, no self and no not self … just bright and aware and full of a seeing, wise delight without any boundaries that goes on beyond infinity and hope and fear

For Jerry Thompson
1935 - 2025

Thursday, January 30, 2025

it is like being in a new world

it is night
i feed the neighbor's cats

they are on vacation
i have a key

i go into someone else's

i try not to pry or look

they have the old electric
stovetop we wish we had

i feed the cats to the
specified amounts

it seems to be quite a bit
for just two cats  

but that is what they say
they want for the cats 

when i'm done i wash 
the cans and the fork 

i still try to not let
my eyes roam around

when i go out and
lock the door

i stand with my back
to the apartment 

and i just stare 
at the courtyard

for about three minuets
it is like being in a new world

imagining they see this
view all the time 

into my day

into my day
a struggle 
or a battle

oh god let
it be neither
of these

let my day be
clear and free
light as a feather

with only good
intentions if 
i let it be

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

"Was that you lingering in my peripheral vison?" I ask Chung Tzu.

"Was that you lingering in my peripheral vison?" I ask Chung Tzu.

"Was that you trying to not be seen? Sulking about?" says Chung Tzu back. 

"I feel burned!"

"You are not fire, not of fire, around fire, in fire. But even with fire, or no fire, there is no burning. Look to the ashes."

I stop and I give him a sincere bow. Chung Tzu grunts in agreement.


New Years Eve


getting things wrong

getting things wrong
but because of my errors
my sin
i have a chance to make it right 


of forever

god the sculptor
chipping away parts of stuff 
flaking bits of me too in the way 
of forever

(he keeps smiling at me
so i'm not scared)

A Kind of Whimsy, Too

 "It is funny how I keep trying to leave here, and just then something different will come up every time and stop me. It is like I am in a dream, or in a coma in a hospital but I don't know I am unconscious." I said and everyone there smiled at the way I said that -- how familiar that would feel & how it was also a bit of a dramatic statement, but it had a kind of whimsy, too. We all smiled, even the ones who had animal heads, and then I woke up. 

But He Hoped Not

He was up before the sun came up. 

At the car dealership, while he was waiting for the brake job to be done, he noticed a woman had little buckles on her shoes, or slippers. 

Someone answered a phone. The dealership would be closing at 2PM, because it was New Years Eve. 

He heard a car salesman in the other room talking to a prospective customer: 


What kind of vehicle were you thinking about? 


Well, this would be for my girlfriend ...


I see! What kind of car do you drive? 


A Nissan Altima.


Nice. Blah blah blah blah blah. 

He couldn't see the people talking. He wondered if the girlfriend was there too, just quietly standing there while the two guys talked, but he hoped not. 

he said

he said 

you don't have to give up to give up
or to know to know 

possess or not possess
for the purpose to grow

then he laughed 


Monday, December 30, 2024

for disordered sake

i hear an owl
i hear the TV in the next room 
i hear the cars on pacific coast highway 
i hear our loud neighbors 

it all mixes together 
when i don't focus on it 
and on combining 
it makes sense

taken all separately
it all is so different 
it sure proves you can
have maximum disorder 
for disordered sake 


onto the next thing and worrying about getting there

last night i was taking the garbage out
and after i tossed it i forced myself to look at the stars

because i'm tired of just passing through everywhere i go 
onto the next thing and worrying about getting there 


i hoped everything was calm

i hoped everything was calm 
that the universe was serene

but i saw a photo of jupiter 
close up and it is a boiling crucible  

super massive clouds billowing 
with nowhere to go or get out of the way

if any life is there & if it could see out
the earth must seem so calm to them 


then angels work these and we tremble

often working with dream mechanics as i sleep
god the foreman directing repairs 
on parts of the universe producing 
rainbows of right and wrong good and bad 
though god knows best we will disagree
but in the end i follow what is suggested 
the stars fly out under the working on the line
places people and things like stars too
you can’t see it when you are awake 
but we are like a golden mist risen over fields 
then angels work below us and we tremble


people like us end up here

living by the ocean
in a little town 
much of it is unreal
but i know that cave sand 
is different than sea sand 
as the small and big cars
full of ideas go up and down
drivers laughing some yelling 
all of us compelled with 
wild kinds of longing
like waves hurled onto rocks
smashed but then swirling
falling back in disorder
but the retreat is temporary 
gathering for another rush
naturally trying again 
because water is water 
ocean is ocean and rock is rock
a great lunge and result
over and over again 
just because and it can 
people like us end up here 


crecent bay

most of my favorite writers didn't want what i think they wanted

 i promised myself i'd write 
"100 posts" this year and i wrote but only a few were posted

     there's a handy folder with NOTES
     written on it with a snow of scraps of paper inside

then i ride my unicycle on pacific coast highway 
and think about novels that could be written 

this writing becomes riding and people
become my short stories we both inhabit 

     when i ride against traffic and cut across a lane
     and almost get hit my fault that is a poem 

then i think about all the lies of perfection 
the hype of exceeding or breaking out like a fame comet 

all the problems that comes with it and how sometimes
i'd like to try it out anyways 

but i think getting riding more and more as my writing 
and seeing what happens 

most of my favorite writers didn't want what i think they wanted 
and if fame came along it seared them 

Monday, December 23, 2024

i promise to be better to myself / rather than to just think i should be thinking art

occasionally i catch myself looking in the mirror
as if in askance 
with something to say 
but i find there is nothing -- just a strange face

the moment collapses around itself 
almost like a soufflé

when i walk away i wonder if all that 
is really true 
i always have something moving around
turning and planning

but why the pauses and the sudden looks 
not even the scribbling of notes

it it like going to the ledge to take a picture
and having no film in the camera 
but doing this on purpose 

i promise to be better to myself 
rather than to just think i should be thinking art

or murdering delightful ideas by being blank
when i choose to look