Friday, July 28, 2017

bright was she made / look how she goes

bright was she made
look how she goes
work to stage to life

tilt of the head
sweep of the bow
fingers fly over frets

seeing her move
in her particular way
calmly finely and unafraid


Thursday, July 27, 2017

camptown races five miles long

no feeling ever stays
no idea persists for all time
no street home or yard

triumphant jobs
awards and trophies
symbols of superiority

bright here and gone
like the sweep of a searchlight
lit shapes come and go

all spurred on with a
magnificent urgency

one like a thunderclap
a glittering fountain

attention shifts
the beam is elsewhere

all merging back into one
one is empty like the sun
unbearably bright with no ego


45th avenue and park st.

with some kind of longing
i watched the fingernail
of a moon

what the yearning
measured or means
i do not know

my mind
revealed the feeling
then closed a door

this happens
to all of us
more than you can count

i overwhelmed
this random melancholy
with a thought of you

sharing the same dusk
seeing this thin moon
rising up

beguiled now by
the silhouette of trees
and eves

the random flight
of birds going home
for the night

a simple happiness
beguiled now
with a thought of you



Tuesday, July 25, 2017

After living in Minnesota for a full year, this is what I know:

Weather forecasters don't have the any idea what the weather will be like in 24 hours. They can't reliably forecast what the weather will be like 12 hours from now. Seldom does the weather forecast match what is happening at any given moment. I think the only reason why Minnesota has weather forecasters because the rest of the country has them.

It is like that with vegetarians and vegans. There's some in Minnesota because they've heard of the concept of eating no meat, or they moved here from Oregon or California and they're holding on by a thread. Meat to a Minnesotan is a logical as a nice ice house.

Surfing? Never heard of it, but people like fishing here so much, they fish every day. When they catch a big fish, they measure it, take a selfie with the fish, and then let it go so they can catch it again.


Monday, July 24, 2017

35th avenue southwest

sound but
no measurement

no contrasting
pure feeling

from like
being in the womb

before you were born

when there
were no concepts

and there was
no separation from love

your can't remember
but occasionally

you'll feel
that feeling


16th and columbo st.

poem in living
because of poems
lines of remembering

how the wind sighed
and fluttered roses
the night perfect
a moon bright

memory verses
every detail exquisite
heightened by another
who lingered that night
as happily as you did

history was stopped
clock hands unmoored
only the breath

measured rapture
one breath for one letter
one sign

Friday, July 21, 2017

fam sanders

a one
ton slab
his mustache
like a crescent
moon on a body
petrified like wood

petrified like wood
moon on a body
like a crescent
his mustache
ton slab
a one


parm jolo

god save me from my self
i should gaze
on a pleasant inviting thing
as often as daily yet never go and see

say a pink church
far off in fields
that glows so pleasingly at dawn or sunset
yet never did i go to be a part of

to walk in the gardens
or kneel at a service
rather stayed aloof observing like a camera
or a mind unmoved by beauty


Thursday, July 20, 2017

kilke martin

in your willful ignorance who knows
what angels you are troubling

oh help them

tread light in the morning
tread light at night


john crumbles

it started to rain
i was not aware
i was waiting
for the rain to begin

now that it continues
the rain is amazing
millions of drops
falling and breaking

a trillion atoms
swimming teeming
shining moving

coming together
falling apart

no barring it

nothing unknown
to anything else


a simmering anger / where i come from

a simmering anger
where i come from
muted rage
held for generations
forged into some
flawed totem of
stoic resolve

rancor i was
born into offers
none of the thought
or reason a stoic
aspires towards
to have happiness

just a keen
mortal peevishness
hidden under
the rituals
of getting by

unquenchable rage
at getting old
and knowing nothing
of real comfort

i have escaped this
generational hell
i look back at it
after the fact
not in anger but


it started to rain / i was not aware

it started to rain
i was not aware
i was waiting
for the rain to begin

now that it has
my mind relaxes
and many poems
are in progress

words always moving
ideas light footed muted
behind the curtains
of the subconcious
waiting for their time


how about something hopeful / whatever goes away

how about something hopeful
whatever goes away

whatever comes
at any time the least you know

this day
i am sleep thinking
i am clear and awake

the good news is
ive set enough traps asleep
to wake me even more awake


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

50 on this day
all my dreams
are here right now

i keep embracing
everything that happens
as soon as it comes

i keep letting go
of anything that goes
if it is going

one never knows
of the going and the leaving

one never knows the arrivals
until boom! arrived

it all is interesting

laugh or cry or laugh
even let that go

so thanks


July 11 2017

Sunday, July 09, 2017

i watch shooting stars
and fantastic comets from a garden
deep in the night of the self

i am in the sky and so are you
deliriously circling an immaculate
ever expressing radiance

in these forms knowing nothing
of any earthbound darkness

yet a heart in this form beats

quenchless spirits
quick like sparks

simultaneity displayed
paradoxical play


how about something hopeful then / i don't know what will happen today

how about something hopeful then
i don't know what will happen today
anything could be if i decide

from here i can imagine
infinite outcomes of different shades
each one possible with some faith

no tools are lacking
material all within easy reach
listen to what the world will tell me

i hear a bird singing happily
in the rain


how about something hopeful then / i don't know what is going on

how about something hopeful then
i don't know what is going on
i never have

i've always been wrong
if it was up to me to tell people
what sneaky things were going on

i'm a inept liar
i have a guilty conscience if i do lie
i'm one step from being the fool

honesty and humility
are my only refuge while compassion
and tolerance is my armor and shield

i watch shooting stars
and fantastic comets from a garden
deep in the night of the self


thunderstorms on and off today
i tell myself nobody owes nobody nothing

shady garden


Wednesday, July 05, 2017

when i fall asleep / i've thought of you

when i fall asleep
i've thought of you

like a constellation
somewhere up there

each point in the pattern
a glimpse i had of you by chance

in the morning it is like
i voyage to a new shore

navigating dreams
to these cardinal points


Tuesday, July 04, 2017

i saw you at the airport / you crossed my field of view

i saw you at the airport
you crossed my field of view
i noticed you twice

you had a bit of a far away look
not worried but thinking
your lips were kissable

shy i looked the other way
to find a book or magazine
you linger in my mind

i know our paths have crossed
all times we've met and remet
every time it was beautiful
