Wednesday, April 29, 2020

after several weeks living / working from home

after several weeks living
working from home
i was suddenly furloughed
from reality

i found in this
i was always inexplicable
as far as my yard was concerned
or whatever i could see in the sky


now this poem isn't going to be about anything

now this poem isn't going to be about anything
it will be several lines of letters about the same length
except the middle line will be slightly longer


a wise man said something once

a wise man said something once
it was probably very inspiring
unless you were stupid

but people i think are stupid
say profound things too


"Well, that's not bad." says Chung Tzu, as we are sitting in the basement.

"But it also is too bad you think you think." says Chung Tzu.


St Louis Park

Monday, April 27, 2020

not a single cloud is ordinary

not a single cloud is ordinary
they are resplendent
vaunted by the light

yet as a mist brings the rainbow
or we turn to an old favorite game
such is the cloud or a thought


Saturday, April 25, 2020

i have sunk me

i have sunk me
and i don't mind it

a wreck
three fathoms deep

with cats
swimming above me

saying give
it is 5pm let's eat


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

we alone carry our ends and our beginnings

we alone carry our ends and our beginnings
thank goodness no one else can carry them

this means we are free never chained from the beginning

the molten coils i struggle with through endless nights
is from the light turned in and because i shut my eyes tight

and difficulties of all sizes gave me courage if i let them

we carry our own burden but let me help you if i can
with a kind work or an example in some way how it can be done

look everywhere with me and find it there inside a stone
or in sky mansions full of stars or even in the heavenly fields above these

for Deborah

the morning is so beautiful

the morning is so beautiful
there's nothing left, nothing at all
all is well with this morning

2 years ago you died
it makes sense to hurt
to be happy with such sunshine

- for my father


Sunday, April 19, 2020

dreams never stop if i can recognize my face in a dream

dreams never stop if i can recognize my face in a dream
then a dream can recognize my face during the day

then we will have met thank goodness thank goodness
in the sky in the earth applauding in the wind that sighs


I was all out of commas.

I was all out of commas.


St. Louis Park