Monday, December 26, 2022

on this day of threats and promise

on this day of threats and promise
how big is your mind? 
whatever the answer
it contains everything 
in emptiness 

look at the sky 
see how it mingles
sustains or blows
with everything 
but not touching 

we work play or worry
in plain view of the mother
or father who sustained us
with the sacred or profane

unseparated purity 
always a feast 
no matter what


Friday, December 23, 2022

this day frozen bright and white

this day frozen bright and white
the snow in shadows a hint of blue
as if i had never seen this before
the whole world ready for us

not everyone is nice/ nor helpful or kind

not everyone is nice
nor helpful or kind

but everyone deserves 
to be treated with kindness

we live in a hell 
of self sacrifice otherwise

and our supposed virtue
in this like chains


Friday, December 09, 2022

flexibility to share

flexibility to share

and feel accurately

cooperate with cross people

technically minded

and slyly knowable

bringing out the best

from bad situations

with a pinch of excitement

and everlasting love


you were raised

you were raised

with a marvelous mind

keep looking

fall in love 

with everything


i want to see everything

 i want to see everything
in myself like i see in that
beautiful moon framed by a blue
deep dark night inescapable beauty


Sunday, December 04, 2022

there is the sky endless

there is the sky endless
then there is the writer

what separates them
is lack of feeling in the person

though no separation 
ever occurs

and the sky is this
with no thinking

gradually gathering the 
wanderer below

through display deeper
than any discursive dream

season after season
in concert with the earth


i saw the line of black trees

i saw the line of black trees
behind them a hill of snow rising up
the bottom was in shadow 
but still brilliant 

all around being built and soon
this peaceful glade will be no more
its simplicity 

yet carried on in my memory

i drove along the mighty parkway
passing all the homes 
their yards with a soft blanket of snow
and many tracks from play and pets
shadows on the sides of them all

but still brilliant 

everything is in motion going
everything is moving and will
not stop

i look inside to the horizon
to an infinite line 
seemingly unattainable 
but then suddenly crossed
almost like going through a shadow
ever infinitely brilliant

where all beauty goes
is gathered up
and sent back

carried on in memories
we all walk the trail of recollection 
if i remember this
i can be kind and go on
eventually go nowhere
and be there still brilliant

so empty i am full
just like the sunlight on the hill
or the shadows at the base 
every house being built
trees growing minds moving

that eventually stop
with no regret and no ending
just plain clarity that doesn't mind


Tuesday, November 01, 2022


excited vampires
confused ghosts
dancing bats
parents behind them

i hand them candy
some want two 
if they are nice
i'll give them three

there's a half moon
under the deep shadows
of the porch lights
leaves everywhere

off they go
with flashlights dancing
in the dark and later
guilty teenagers knock

reminding me
the last time i trick or
treated about 14 
with a big pillowcase

i give them the leftover
candy and say have fun
they laugh and run
to the next house


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Exotic Specimen Portion

It wasn't my problem, and the solution was not an exotic one. We simply needed to get the appropriate specimen. We'd wire them into the cage, and extract a portion quickly, they'd barely feel a thing. 


Thursday, October 13, 2022

a yellow leaved tree

a yellow leaved tree
between two evergreens

all about the same size
tall and slim

leaves vibrate
in a bracing wind 

& pines swaying gently
almost in unison

let my worried mind be 
with these things

thought is 

these simply 

as the world steers cold

even sprightly
touched by flecks of snow


Complete Unique Similar

The aliens that escaped the containment fields were all complete, unique, and yet similar. 

Dr. Maarten was eaten first, there was something about Mrs. Ktech that caused them to totally disregard her. 


Monday, October 10, 2022

Resignation Whisper Article

In resignation I stared out the small window, on that long fall day. The world was full of color, dazzling yellow leaves twirling past my view. As a renunciate, I was permitted only to whisper if someone came close enough to my square porthole. It was the only light into the tiny cell behind me, with a small table, a cot, and a large holy book. In article XXII, I was permitted to look out this window between the time of noon, until the sun touched the tower over the sanctuary. I had no idea how long I had been in here, but my hair and beard were down to my waist. 


Friday, October 07, 2022

Division Rebellion Preoccupation

Not being native speakers of English, my parents decided to name my little sister Division Rebellion Preoccupation. It did not matter how much I pleaded, or begged, for them to reconsider. To them, from the small place they came from, these words sounded exciting, powerful, compelling. Which happens to be my name. I sign it as "X". My parents are deeply in love, and so happy for us, even so silly, that I end up forgiving them. 


Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Calendar Commemorate Chin

Every June 13th on the Foolish Calendar, we commemorate the Raising of the Chin. This is when St. Abracadabra fell into the open sewer and was able to get his head above the surface one time, before he was drowned. 


Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Disappear Mutual Clerk

For that small piece of paper to disappear -- a well worn stained hand-written claim, it was no small action. And I suspected there was a certain primal, mutual feeling between me and the clerk: for me, they would never find the gold. For the clerk, they'd never discover the body.


Monday, October 03, 2022

Sight Pleasure Gate

At first sight, there was no pleasure to see that gate. But then as it creaked and rattled, metal quivering as it was raised, a strange calm came over me. The spikes were dripping and had muck on them from the river. We bobbed under them, the oarsmen silently working, averting their eyes. A dot of black landed on my sleeve. There were many lords and officials to see me up the stairs. 

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Detector Merchant Jungle

I bought the lie-detector from a merchant in the jungle. It was brand new, still in its box and shiny plastic wrappings. The box was a bit battered and stained, but it was oddly thrilling to hear that crinkling noise and the faint whiff of "new" when I unboxed it. It gleamed like a jewel under the swaying flickering single bulb light, on the rickety bamboo table. I took a deep breath and wiped the perspiration off my forehead, cheeks, and jowls. I avoided looking at myself in the small mirror, above which was a small crucifix. With the dim lighting, the mirror appeared to be a deep hole in the wall. 

"Bring the señor in." I said, almost to myself. "And a sturdy chair."

Abanto, sitting on the other side of the door jumped up, to obey.

I watched the swaying single light.

"Doctor, the señor is not here." said Abanto.

I looked at him, we looked at each other without expression.

In the room made of concrete blocks, the shackle and chain were gone. I tested the bars on the locked door, they were firm and beaded with humidity. 

How had he escaped? And now what would become of I, and Abanto?

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Berry Point Lid

After the crash, I found a berry, a single berry, on the point. The point was a place that was high and windswept. I put it under a lid. I looked at the looming trees all around, the deep forest that surrounded me. Who knew what was in those woods? I was probably going to starve. 


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

i know

i know
everything that is good

and everything that is bad
is thought up 

and the habit of this
is what i feel is a good life or bad one


life itself 
is endlessly amazing 


true consciousness
is beyond hope and fear


Thursday, August 25, 2022


as if permanent 

every cool thing with dew 
perfect in the endlessness
of the universe

in every drop
all things all possibilities


Monday, August 22, 2022

your fears/ aniconic

your fears
and then
one forgets 
they are featureless
which adds to 
the unease

until you
realize there 
is nothing to fix
nothing to improve
nothing whatsoever
that had any
reality beyond

absolute perfection 
and the intuition
that goes hand in hand
with this view

so you can rest
as easy as being
in a swing with
or any other
smiling sky
like being 

and under
both of your feet
as you sway together
all the earths and
all the skies and stars
and smiles and tears
you could possibly invent


Friday, July 22, 2022

i remember you teaching

 i remember you teaching

on those hot summer days

how i longed to see you

ask you a thousand questions

you were only 1 door away

and you would have been

happy for my visit i am sure

but i acted like i wasn't allowed

there were many of us

vain imaginative excited

and a bit overdramatic

but always welcomed

now mellowing with time

missing you just the same

and i aim to fix what does 

not need to be fixed by praying

devotedly and attempting 

to spread what you were really teaching

and what was ever in your heart 

then you remind me again

everything is resolved in its own place

from the beginningless beginning

from the view

love unconditionally 

this endless beauty

and be aware of now


July 22 

Minneapolis, MN

For Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

off you go on this day

away you go on this day

like off a spingboard or

on a rocket

or i am off the 

board and flying 

on the rocket

ultimately we don't

come or go so much

as it seems



Friday, July 08, 2022

you want to almost / hold your breath

perfectly balanced air
you can imagine it stacked up 
to the stratosphere
as the rabbits sit and squirrels run

this evening is vivid
the color of gold 
while green is striving 
growing blooming 

you want to almost 
hold your breath 
to prolong the summer

memorize the flash of lightening
and thunder that rolls out
over a steel colored lake

put the haunting night
into your heart with a million
zigging fire-flies


Thursday, June 23, 2022

No Murder on Mars 002

The body was laying straight, forearms up. Clothing & skin had a thin layer of frost mixed with soil of a uniform brown color. The face, almost unrecognizable, was contorted.

I looked at the two, who were nervously shifting foot to foot.

"We should go over your timeline again. This is very important."


"Tell me what happened first."

"Backed into the wall."

"Saw a hole"

"Then we saw a body."

I looked at them steadily.

"How long was it between when you put the hole in the wall, and you found the body?"

"Um. Er. Right away!"

"You are lying to me."

"No sir!"

"Why are you lying?"

"We aren't."

"You are! There had to be some time that passed between you backing into the wall, and then you retrieving your vehicle, and then finding a body."

"5 hours." said one of them 

"Because it was stuck?"


"Anything else you want to revise?"

"No Sir."

"Pardon me. But how did you know at all these boys were being dishonest about their timeline? How does that influence the fact that a body has been found?"

I looked at the superintendent. "It has everything to do with how the body was found."

The superintendent widened his hands, "So?"

"See the crystals and tearing on the edges of the clothing? This body has been moved from a different location. Someone placed it here after the hole was put into the wall."

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

There isn't supposed to be murder on Mars 001

There isn't supposed to be murder on Mars. That is an Earth custom, a sense of the old barbarism from our planet of origin. The body was found in the old tunnels, it had become freeze dried where it had been stashed. 

"Tell me again how this was found."

"Varne Warren226 backed a sledge into the wall there, and we saw a hole."

"What were you doing down here, past the 3K markers?"

"Rat hunting, scrapping."

"They say these tubes here are haunted!"

I could see how someone would think these were haunted. Gloomy, unlit. Frosted. These were the old warrens and access corridors, bored through the Martian rock. 

When I looked at it, I involuntary shuddered. Lights from our headlamps slashed and raised monstrous shadows. 

"Have you touched the body, moved anything?"

"No sir."

"Hmmm" I could see that someone had. 

Monday, June 06, 2022

many of us dream of home

many of us dream of home 
at first in sleep
then we go and aspire
make that in
this waking day

when we dream well
it makes a beautiful home
where lots of people 
can dream their dream
of home

if it is built real or
in my mind
home is always home

what allows it to be
is the dream and

a dreamer who has
a dream

Thursday, June 02, 2022

i would write poems about you

i would write poems about you
and poems about lightening 
thunder and storms

then of the quiet peaceful light
which is softly over everything
from beginningless beginning

we seem to have a makeup
that is not fixed and is as exciting
as it can be disappointing or unreal

the best writing are the phrases
never to be claimed but proven through 
every kind deed i do with you


one small flower

one small flower
on a bush outside the back door
with no mind to be seen
nor ever admired so i admire it
and i remember how a duck
saw making a nest behind 
this bush to be very tidy and snug
but when i came and returned
i made it afraid 

so i resolve to be
more vigilant and make room
if i can for shy things and
especially walk softly 
with a view this world
is not my rumpus room 

but formed very purely
cradling happy beings
that can flourish if not
cowed by brashness


we are mysteries

we are mysteries
which can make us so 
compelling so lost 
so haunted so graceful
so alluring blessed


Wednesday, June 01, 2022

people that were loved

people that were loved
now dodged
how better it must be
now that i am sane

but is still just as bad
because while i err
i cannot see how
until later


this attitude

this attitude
like a sky that will
not go away 
but when i am 
asleep, is not here



i apply to a job
they automatically congratulate me for applying
later they automatically reject me
it is all very friendly and encouraging  

i apply to a job
they automatically congratulate me for applying
later they automatically reject me
it is all very friendly and encouraging  

i apply to a job
they automatically congratulate me for applying
later they automatically reject me
it is all very friendly and encouraging  

i apply to a job
they automatically congratulate me for applying
later they automatically reject me
it is all very friendly and encouraging  

i apply to a job
they automatically congratulate me for applying
later they automatically reject me
it is all very friendly and encouraging  

Friday, May 06, 2022

you get to a point in life/ where nothing is safe

you get to a point in life
where nothing is safe

and that is when life
becomes interesting


Thursday, May 05, 2022

marie antoinette's shoe

i look at a picture
of marie antoinette's shoe

it fell off her foot
on the way to the guillotine

it is a dainty thing
looking almost new

i wonder who grabbed it
when they saw it fall

they must have been
thrilled to have 

marie antoinette's shoe


Sunday, April 17, 2022

show me a wise poem

show me a wise poem
the poem i need
to free me from my idle nonsense
which i very much like

i will be raised up
full of righteousness and abandon
my daisy arms and lazy fingers
writing stories in crayon


Friday, April 08, 2022

at one point

at one point
you'd call me

usually in the middle
of the night and i'd
always pick up 

and then part of me
always hoped
somehow you'd
come back 

though i knew
you never would

but i couldn't
help myself
thinking this

half asleep
hearing your
words (with a TV
on in the 

then eventually
you stopped


Thursday, April 07, 2022

some people they ban books

some people they ban books
wishing they could ban thoughts
or even ban some people 
from breathing air

who wants to admit
they dream of thought controlling
& murder there's a few
who dream of the day they could


Monday, March 28, 2022

we do not agree on everything

my partner and i 
we do not agree on everything
that is why we are together

one of my associates 
tells his girlfriend, "i don't care"
when it comes to how she feels

(how do you own 
anything from another?
so he tells her)

"i don't care" could work for some
it could be just the right thing
for some people but

i told him i'd heard that love is an action 
now that we were comparing

but in then end he is right --
i don't care, we don't care about 
anything at all 

there's this primeval nature
an infinite view
of time and space

wherein we do not achieve
but instead abide
never separate

but until i get 
into vastness of clarity 
that has no ending

i am in a relationship
i can offer my sympathies
if it seems to help

i know we can't do anything
for anybody 
but i still want to

i'll always be this way
giving to another is a hard habit
to break 

and somewhere in there

is a path 


for Deborah

Friday, March 25, 2022

snow crosses an american flag

snow crosses an american flag
as the wind blows and the sky
is like a map of all the conquering
done in the name of a young nation
every high and low place every broad
plain or stabbing river flag furling
and unfurling in victory over forgetting
all the people shoveled into the earth
or gathered together and burned 

but then a flag is just a flag and the
blowing wind suggests nothing as
the flakes of snow and hail make the flag
look big and stand out against a turgid
rolling screen of clouds as we make new
friends and learn to see and speak parts of
new languages which suggests 
everything possible before all of us 
every one

more flurries across the front of a
flowing and wending american flag
we are all children sprung from disaster 
crossing a great map in our minds which
constantly is changing and extending
giving everything any thing you'd wish to see
hope victory loss anger commitment
punishment or imagination a day 
every day or no day at all let us have
the courage to know and be faithful 
towards each other


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

during the day / i watch the clouds

during the day

i watch the clouds

at night

i listen to the

pine tree

blowing in the wind

in the backyard


i imagine

it tells me

of every rising

and setting

sun moon and

star it ever

felt and how

i am so young

and how

i will be

gone so quick



some more


than others


so now

for my tree

i give it

a fine bed of

needles for

the snow

to fall on

as if

i could

keep it



do trees

actually feel

or think?

i ask

the sky


no reply

yet but

the magnificence

of every

thing i see


CM Evans

Monday, February 21, 2022

help me break my / patterns / they blind / me

help me break my 
they blind

the way
i decide how
to place
a line

snow reported
to be 1.7 inches
in this

as i struggle
to find my
feet today
in my

instead i
look up Billy 

who has never
written a
poem i 
did not 

then i wonder
how someone
like this

and do they
ever mean to
get their feet 
in the

yet go looking
for other 

and billy collins
knows where

and why a

he'd know the 
signaling of 
and precious

the message
in a 

or where 
the highest
star in 
the night
winks towards

all the while
i doodled here
in my brain 

writing poems
like a shopping
list or a 
description of
being lost 

but here is
something to
hope for

here is 
i have 

soon will
be falling 



Monday, February 07, 2022

i have nothing to give/ yet here in what i am offering

i have nothing to give
yet here in what i am offering

could convince you to not
become what i decided to be

i am a unit of estimation
worthless for measuring anything 

except for the imaginative
and all of that is endless

may all of us 
become complete 

in the recognition
of our own folly

then spurred on

to offer even more


CM Evans

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Poem - i read that it takes a raindrop/ seven minutes to fall from the sky to the ground

i read that it takes a raindrop
seven minutes to fall from the sky to the ground
and during that time any of us
can live lifetimes of wonder worry dreams or ideas
until the raindrop splashes us 
and if it is one single big drop it could put us into the now
where you stop with a sense of shock
even wonder free of all this mental rummaging
and you look up at the greatness of the sky 
feeling a sense of freedom and even a strange exaltation


Thursday, January 27, 2022

i do not remember anything properly

i do not remember anything properly
because i viewed the whole world and every person
as magical

so i have a pageant in my mind 
life like a float in a parade full of amazing beings 
astounding scenery

my seeing started out as totally sane
then later i was forced to affect it with a bit of courage
but later it became as real 

there is something holy in persistence
especially with delightful aims to disarm and brighten
every dark corner

possibly god or whomever 
smiles here because i will do the good work no matter what
they may brush me with a fingertip

or handsome is as handsome does
and those who devotedly love for love's sake take on an aspect
from the glory of their own heart


angels stung / demons promoted

angels stung
demons promoted
finding out 
their next assignment
is to be angels


Monday, January 24, 2022

help me

help me
i'm falling
through lists
crème cheese
cat food


Friday, January 21, 2022

wander the furrowed fields of words

wander the furrowed field of words

the farmer is the mind going along

through memories or recollections

all of them invented in one way or the other

then bound to the exertion of the task 

just like bull bound to the yoke and metal blade 

dreaming thoughts and earth both ripped and flipped

showing the other side then following 

of a filling and then gathering then burning 

the ground will be gone over again

trodden torn open then planted anew

real and imagined seasons overhead underneath

quickening phases of life and death 

more strain more images and imagining 

lines like furrows cut on the page 

and then a rest when the hands rest

sigh be still and take it in observe all around

like any tiller will do from time to time

see how it never changes from a point of view

but freedom is at here plowed or not

and the earth lays so serene uncut

if only we could be more like ponds

steams rivers lakes or the sky

so thinking goes 


CM Evans

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

i dine with god and goddesses

i dine with gods and goddesses 
way above my paygrade
in my dreams

it is so absurd to see
they accept me 
