Sunday, April 17, 2022

show me a wise poem

show me a wise poem
the poem i need
to free me from my idle nonsense
which i very much like

i will be raised up
full of righteousness and abandon
my daisy arms and lazy fingers
writing stories in crayon


Friday, April 08, 2022

at one point

at one point
you'd call me

usually in the middle
of the night and i'd
always pick up 

and then part of me
always hoped
somehow you'd
come back 

though i knew
you never would

but i couldn't
help myself
thinking this

half asleep
hearing your
words (with a TV
on in the 

then eventually
you stopped


Thursday, April 07, 2022

some people they ban books

some people they ban books
wishing they could ban thoughts
or even ban some people 
from breathing air

who wants to admit
they dream of thought controlling
& murder there's a few
who dream of the day they could
