Thursday, January 30, 2025

it is like being in a new world

it is night
i feed the neighbor's cats

they are on vacation
i have a key

i go into someone else's

i try not to pry or look

they have the old electric
stovetop we wish we had

i feed the cats to the
specified amounts

it seems to be quite a bit
for just two cats  

but that is what they say
they want for the cats 

when i'm done i wash 
the cans and the fork 

i still try to not let
my eyes roam around

when i go out and
lock the door

i stand with my back
to the apartment 

and i just stare 
at the courtyard

for about three minuets
it is like being in a new world

imagining they see this
view all the time 

into my day

into my day
a struggle 
or a battle

oh god let
it be neither
of these

let my day be
clear and free
light as a feather

with only good
intentions if 
i let it be