Thursday, October 28, 2021

if you write heartbreak stories enough

if you write heartbreak stories enough
tales of disappointment in your life
you'll see how they are all the same 
at any point you can stop 

see how they captivate you
but the trick gets old
going through gives nothing
you're the conjuror and audience

to be different and live differently 
stop narrating and start doing 
your opinions are difficult and hard
the way is endlessly open


Thursday, October 21, 2021

they read a haunted book/ by a haunted light

they read a haunted book
by a haunted light
in the haunted room
in a haunted house
on a haunted night
which was every night
because they were dead
and ghosts in that house

but they only knew
they were ghosts 
when someone alive
tried to stay overnight
at the air b n b run
by people who lived
far away and did not
believe in ghosts 


was it a ghost or was it a branch tapping the shutters

was it a ghost or was it a branch tapping the shutters
on that stormy night when the power quit
in the old hotel

when i silently counted
1 ... 2 ... 3 

it tapped 
1 ... 2 ... 3

so when i counted 
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4

it tapped
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4

i counted to ten and it tapped ten times

so i closed my eyes tight and hid under two comforters 
and if i heard any skeletal steps
i was fast asleep

if you listen to the words/ in poems you can sense things

if you listen to the words
in poems you can sense things
just partly visible in the background
craving attention yet still shy

like a boat over varied waters
some depths are reluctant
to be crossed and writhe below
wanting to grab and pull down

ever watchful things verse or prose
caged and these thing pace back n forth
occasionally making it through the barriers
and into the reader's imagination 


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

i'm a little unfamiliar with this spreadsheet

i'm a little unfamiliar with this spreadsheet
and not sure of the process

but the way is informal
we play the game 'is business still a thing'

ha ha ha ha


i fixed the broken table

i fixed the broken table
it had been flawed for so long
a daily reproach 

part of the top punched through
the slats piled on it crossways

glued in place and reinforced
now shabby chic though disturbing 


Friday, October 15, 2021

i rake pine needles

i rake pine needles
as the wind blows
there's so many of them

where do the come from
oh yes 
the tree


it is fall and the weather is changing

it is fall and the weather is changing
when i walk to the mailbox to send two letters
the sun is bright but my ears and cheeks get cold

winter starts quickly when you aren't waiting for it  

last night at the restaurant for dessert 
we had coconut ice cream and bananas with chocolate sauce
the bananas were golden in puff pastry that had been fried

we didn't fight over it
but we ate it quickly 

i looked out over the tables into the dusk's high dark blue sky
below that a sash of perfect darkness that were smooth clouds
holding lightening miles and miles off

when you asked me if i was holding my breath
 i said no


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

we all pay debts we cannot afford

we all pay debts we cannot afford
that is part of living and committing acts
sometimes they're needed more often not  
if only we had more prudentia 

justitia is up there on a pillar on the mount
always white even in the dark and blindfolded
seeing with all her self as the scales sway
with just the hidden flick of the wrist

you can live in perpetual penury paying off 
what is owed by others and fearing a sword 
or you could choose to be joyful inside every action

through faith and action 

in equanimity
dread creeds fade unholy deals unmade

have courage in choosing a life and view then
committing to it and making it true rather
than what society has told you again and again 
when it rarely believes what it insists

pay or be free go or stay but strive to be more
than what you saw and what was thought
by yourself or anyone else who said they thought

now the heart's darkness resolved in it's own place
the undiminished sun of luminous clarity 
shines continuously 

see how wide and full the world is and as the sky
have good fortune wherever you go 
and in any company happy


For Jñāna

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

do you trust toads more than frogs

do you trust toads more than frogs,
is it because of something that happened?
what could a frog or a toad do, to offend you?


do magpies travel with luggage

do magpies travel with luggage --
if they do, is the luggage small?
could crows do a better job?


there's so many weird questions

there's so many weird questions,
as many strange questions
as scary spiders, i bet


how many dogs can you read

how many dogs can you read,
is it a finite number?
for me it is limitless


Monday, October 11, 2021

there's outsiders on the stairs

there's outsiders on the stairs
thinking they don't belong 
but everything lives here

as the threshold is crossed
see they don't have to be proud
or even ashamed 

there's a delicate purple 
in the sky between tree branches
and the rooflines of dwellings


i had a dream i was with a crowd of demons

i had a dream i was with a crowd of demons
it was all very funny until they realized 
i knew they were demons

then the atmosphere was a bit strained
so i left with a grandmother 
who climbed stairs like a spider

chop wood with me now in this poem 
the season is right and tonight
we might see the borealis so far south

small flakes of wood will fall from the stump
as the wood explodes into two pieces
and the axe goes deep into the log

you might be the demon who thought they hid
all along in plain sight and invited in
to cut wood or climb stairs as a grandma


Thursday, October 07, 2021

We talked of the slide show in the circus

We talked of the slide show in the circus,
of how everyone there seems to be so happy --
they're freaks in bliss, and we're normal and not. 


i take a look

i take a look into the medicine cabinet of my life
and see what is in there all my goddamn aspirin bullshit


Saturday, October 02, 2021

going into soul

going into 

looking for 

finding always 


Friday, October 01, 2021

there he is

there he is
my friend who is grey now
he does not look too old and
i am reminded i am that old and older too

i have not seen him in 15 years
he still has the same look in his eyes
people laugh when he comes in the door 
the kind of guy who always has interesting things to tell


life seems to go slowly
then at the same time it speeds
going so rapidly how can anyone keep up
in the end we don't .. it is impossible 

but no need to ask for pardon
strive for good form or the ability to reason
or dedicate yourself to one or a dozen causes
convincing or compelling keen spiritual development

you could wear robes
or join a concern where the devotes 
and you all appear clothed like peacocks
mantras are fashionable and blending well being


the best thing i can hope for
is to get untangled from my ideas 
all like nets for catching people places things
but now i see i am hopelessly caught and the solution

is to sever them with sharp intention
the alternative is get more tangled 
and slowly twirling drown
in broad daylight at the office or in the kitchen


and what more? i could try for
stronger amens and genuine affection
sweeping away an ego that balks but can see plainly
a breathless horizon beyond all thinking and calculation

not too shabby a thing 
where now is now is now is now and
always now and never was anything else but
this beautiful endless place where seasons fly on wings

i could even let my old friend back in 

when i tell him everything i thought here
he'll just smile