Friday, December 31, 2021

everytime i have the dream

 everytime i have the dream
i can't remember 
and i dream it another time
i always say 'geeze it is good
to be back in this dream! one of 
the best dreams of all time,
now that i remember i remember
it.' and i'm sure after this i
take off my coat look around and


for 2021


in the sparkling night

in the sparkling night
there are places to land
we work on a puzzle of
'the dream' by rousseau
we might watch the festivities
faraway in nyc or vegas
but we don't because
you are and i here and
this is where it is turkey
stiches and staples
peanut butter dog treats


it isn't good to wait

it isn't good to wait
but i do 

it is my default 
spiritual practice

or lack of any
proper practice

so i'll rouse myself
goad myself

to appear 

and sometimes
i am different

and i am

the universe
has a great 

sense of

and will work 
with me

and with 

i think


the night sky is not out of hand

the night sky is not out of hand
the stars are not out of hand
the moon is not out of hand
the bare trees are not out of hand
the snowy rooftops are not out of hand
nor the warm houses
nor the bright kitchens
nor the leaking washer
nor the clogged drain


sensible dreams

sensible dreams
sensible answers
don't play out 
in sensible life
but why is this

there are so 
many dreams
and so many
dream answers
for sensible life


this day

this day
the only place
it is marred
is where we step
or think


Thursday, December 30, 2021

in my lies / like soft leaves

in my lies 
like soft leaves
sometimes a truth
like a thorn 
draws blood
because this
is how cowards
tell the truth


1,000 times in a row

it is a longer journey
with one day to go

an extra day
the flight delayed

now instead of 
4 hours it will be 8

flying on new years
eve getting in late

but home is home
and the heart 

flys on the way
is there and back 

1,000 times in a row
with every imagining

with every thing
that you missed


brother and sister / they fight the cats

brother and sister
they fight the cats
over any perch 
the female is
the little one
so gets muscled
out of a sunny spot
i try to play solomon
or god by intervening
but instead cause
unending confusion
and alarm


all is un evident and subject to change

all is un evident and subject to change

but here is the end of a rope

you can pull if you want

i saw william blake last night

i saw william blake last night
pushing a baby carriage with mao tse tung in it

i was on the other side of the street
but i waved

they waved back


when were we shown

when were we shown
the door to the world of dreams was closed

like the doors of many a church
or other a sacred place of worship 

so what a holy thing to dream
the land of dreams 

all are welcome 
and none denied


making shadow art

making shadow art
out of broken shards of metal
the artist forms something that looks soft
when seen as a silhouette or through a tunnel
so are we to god


a model day to learn

a model day to learn
how to be good and kind
even if you might need
a new washer 

you opened it up
without breaking it
and looked inside
shone a light 

there's a place
dark emerald green
where the water
has dropped dropped




every little thing cannot be surpassed

every little thing cannot be surpassed
especially the eyes that you could swim in 
for 10,000 years


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

they sell false memorabilia

they sell false memorabilia
but i am false too so for me it is real


do you know what you mean

do you know what you mean
steady and clear because i don't
the bright side of me i show is show
in reality i'm more dark and varied
but you know and there's the struggle

aiming to be less of the past 
and of the automatic drabness
that formed up out of indifference or fear
or a reaction to cruelness within and without
is it really possible to be something new

a surprising and delightful creature
as truthful as disarming and joyous sharing
borne from the disaster of burning and breaking
lies failure and striving against false imagination
well here we are and it can be so it can be true

i'm making my way by being here with you
doing very ordinary and occasional extraordinary things
i catch you throw or i juggle and you hold
i sing you dance we find the lost wallet or pants
here we are so it can be true we transform then it is evident

neither of us required a clash or a struggle
we are painlessly bright and absolutely undimmed
shadows and murmurs just the passing of conditions
behind all this was and still is and always will be
the keenest clarity the finest light the clearest sight absolutely


the day supporting us

because the day is bright
it is cold 

son and daughter visiting
so is the freeze

more bright days ahead
steady and frigid

they fly back tomorrow
to a warmer climate

i notice every moment 
is precious and if i try

to eke out more meaning
time just goes quicker

we're sitting here
in the living room

still slightly askew
from christmas 

bits of wrapping paper
ribbon under cushions

a stray gift or
memento on the floor

i feel like never
cleaning up these poofs

when these were here
my kids were here

but then i do clean up
order is swift and silent

when my hands are still
the wood floors are mute

kids bags packed
eyes look toward the door

i give them a good smile
see you next time

the day supporting us all
never stops 

brighter brighter and
even colder

the day supporting us 
never stops 


Monday, December 27, 2021

there's small flakes flying

there's small flakes flying
the dog won't go pee
because she doesn't like the cold
so i carve out a place
where you can see the grass
the small dog goes for a long time
looking at me gratefully 


i take snow off the roof

i take snow off the roof
rake it off

there's a place where
ice can build up 

when i go take snow 
off the garage 

my neighbor says
there's no need

i reply see how 
the roof sags

even without snow
it sags 

my neighbor says
they made the garage cheap

just like everything
back in those days

and so i nod and agree
but take snow off the garage

because it would be strange
to quit over what he thinks


there's a hardness in your eye / i wish you would avoid

there's a hardness in your eye
i wish you would avoid
or i think you should turn from 

but who am i to comment on what
might be needed or expedient
to get through a series of days 

i've done it too walked down long halls
or on streets that i didn't want to know
waiting hoping and saying it will change

and everything changes nothing is fixed
where we are now is evolving building up
or seeming to fall down and go but actually neither

we are like water in water mixing
or like breathless the stars that never shirk
consoled by siddhis or some kind of grace 

though their abundance 
seems impossible or exotic
i have faith you and i will find it too


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

i am going up

i am going up
i am going down

whatever i choose 
to say



each day goes faster and faster

each day goes faster and faster
with all the snow and frost
i am the dog at the door 
not wanting to go out 
i am the street and the plow
i am every family worry 
every magic story
every unexpected beautiful 
christmas tree


Sunday, December 19, 2021

other parts of the soul

other parts of the soul
expressed through a poem
some writing is sparked off it 

other writings are fragments of  
soul especially crazed and textured
when broken 

a shower of stars 
unending noise
red gold purple sunset


he waits for the dog

he waits for the dog
the dog is sleeping
on an old towel in the kitchen

cat still waits for the dog
staring from the bedroom 
as if something would happen

but the dog is lonely
and doesn't care 
waiting for people 
to come home


the trace of wind

the trace of wind 
blowing just a bit of snow
like a veil over the yard
rooftop to ground 
where tracks show
the rabbits live
where i piled logs
and branches 

pine needles
on top for a snug winter home



Tuesday, December 07, 2021

the well

the well

is my mind

and it is empty

even though

i kept

looking into it

expecting to find


other than



no mind

stop behold now

stop behold now
the snow falls like
that in a snow globe

tires and feet carve paths
below in white slush
every cut and mark 

indifferent like to 
the snow globe snow
or the mind we live in 

all being pure 
and no rushing about
will deny or improve it


CM Evans

Monday, December 06, 2021

i go to the dentist

i go to the dentist
he puts a small table and chair on my tooth
then he puts on a small table cloth
a plate and spoon and fork and knife
he serves a small roast
with all the fixings
with a miniature candelabra and candles
the dessert will be just a bit late
but the micro baked buns are on time

they smell good

don't bite down he says


Sunday, December 05, 2021

all of my nonsense

a we're all glad to be here
but please get on with it 

all of my nonsense
is homemade

always it is 
freshly done


Thursday, December 02, 2021

there is a promise of snow

there is a promise of snow
falling even falling full 
erasing all our coded thoughts
by covering completely 
all barriers and slights

bare trees will stand taller
darker than the sky while
a wind softly blowing crystals
touching a mouse or rabbit
as they navigate the night

then fall more snowflakes 
fall more until even the first tracks
are gone but for some faint marks
even later this too gone mute
until day makes its mark 


our village priest

our village priest hated us
so humble we appeared in our
rough sunday dress 

we like sheep 
while he prowled invested
in a kind of power and pride

thundering sermons on us
he'd spit almost on the book
looking up at heaven past the roof

pleading almost then back down
observing us made of mud
chapped hands shy faces

he had a remarkable friendship 
with widowed madame elle
she gave so much to the church

prim and proper even grand
everyone gratified (especially he) of their 
association and prestige

and what about the whisperings
ms. champigneul heard raised voices
at four o'clock in the morning 

in the countesses private rooms 
but then the old housekeeper 
sickly was suddenly ill and died

no more was said 

later our village priest
had traces of white in his hair
the color of poison 

he sat in the carriage
on a bright winter's day

after coming back from the city
after coming back from the bishop
and visiting a brothel

he admired the churches' 
tall white spire