Saturday, January 27, 2024

at dusk i hear a man whistling

at dusk i hear a man whistling
just a few notes 

he's going somewhere
on the sidewalk up front 

the sound of the tune
has to bounce just right 

to reach my ear 
in the very back room 

as i type




but how do i know
he's a man or he's going?

or they are whistling
a tune?

i go to the front
and look down

no one is there


say i am thinking about nothing

say i am thinking about nothing
i say i am thinking of nothing

what i am thinking about is how we take on new names
i am thinking about when separated we all get older

i am thinking about the soft shock sometimes when we meet
after many years and what that would be like magnified by never dying 

vast trees and mountains with a view of the sea never move except for growing 
what is seen is always in sight for them so they are not disturbed this way

i will never be immortal nor will you always coming and going 
meeting and remeeting each other over waves and foam of beginningless beginning

we should become like little birds that ride on the tides of becoming & destruction 
never ruffled or afraid or feeling away from home as the swell goes up or down

even when time seems to break into a storm 
full of prayers we go along

and then when the air is calm no concerns


Monday, January 01, 2024

every day should i allow myself to enter it with grace

every day however i see it and allow myself to enter it with grace
becomes that absolute solace of 'everything is new' but acting so seals the deal 
no matter what this is the first day of all the days and my lack of mental control
makes it seem like a bouncy house i blame you for the turmoil
later of course i love everyone like the statues of beings that love 
i have gathered a few over my bookcases and paintings
they are as indispensable as railroad crossing signals 
or the offramps trucks can ride into when they have no brakes
if you are there look at the chamomile blossoms on the hillside and red stone you tread on
i took them all for granted but now let us set that aside and have this new day 

