Friday, May 22, 2015

A Poem for Ruben: or cry much over this but i have

“And one by one the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us.”
― Pablo Neruda

i never expected to find out you were dead
i expected to hear you were a christian pastor
who played rock n roll in his own church
in tie dye and hippy graciousness


i expected you to be old and have 15 grand kids
27 great grand kids while you never slowed down
with a guitar in one hand and a book in the other

long snow white hair and bald on top
knowing cezanne, miro, randy rhoads, and queen


would always be here as long as i was
not here in the rooms i occupy but spicing up life
for those around you who were lucky enough to know you


i saw your last picture you had that same smile
and a fire in your eyes like it would never end
the world and the universe and all of us in it too


there is no end nor beginning nor middle nor
any point whatsoever as one turns towards omega point
and we will all be united past all cares


knowing all this i miss you dearly
our time is so short so fleeting
you would forbid me to be angry

or cry much over this but i have
the final gift in memory now a smile


For Ruben Lovato, Jr.

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