Friday, November 30, 2018

in the garden of eden

every fountain or gem played music every bush had berries underneath without any skeletons in the garden of eden

god talked god walked and burnished every berry on every branch admiring all so and the dewdrops collected

soft death as unknown as any unhappy thought death never before never done never taken never chosen never got

over clean mud and clean filth was the greenest grass that reflected the perfect musical tones from all fountains and pearls

the tree in the middle the apple of the Almighty's eye the proud branches and the variable leaves that breathed and blew

we will not go back to the primeval revere the reverie the relation the reverberation the realization upon us forevermore

outwardly we go outwardly we seethe going going going upon blackness and void into seeming stars into seeming void

but there is a place in all of our hearts where fountains or gems sing music every bush with berries burnished a garden of eden


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