Tuesday, May 26, 2020

i let my thoughts come and go

i let my thoughts come and go
i don't stare at my thoughts
that would be rude


Hat Lake

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


he had a booming voice
a personality like fireworks 
loud applause or thunder
organizing poetry at the cafe
he built a podium with a light
out of unvarnished wood
the podium was straight and tall
master carpenter
you had to step up onto it
as he ran a tight ship in readings
scrupulously fair about how long
you'd be able to read 
poetry was his ideal and his life
he was as impressive as irritating
gracious as impetuous 
courteous singing brash
and rude vibrant gloating graceful
remembering forgetting but
never for a moment 
regular boring
or ordinary 

"joy was his song and joy so pure
a heart of star by him could steer"

'My father moved through dooms of love'
ee cummings 

Lew Gardner
1931 - 2018

there's poetry that lasts

there's poetry that lasts
too bad we can't hang out forever
get sick of each other's opinions
more than we are now

because there's something intimate
about being annoyed at your thoughts
how i derailed some of your readings
or made you cry 


all night you eat ghosts

everything is normal
though we do feel beat up by sleeping

all that traveling
through billions of places

every fleck and mote of dust
super real and will be there forever 


all night you eat ghosts
in the morning you shit them


Sunday, May 17, 2020

God on a Bicycle

Out walking in the rain, I see God on a bicycle coming down the road, taking his time. He's a black man, wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt and smoking a cigarette. 

I nod to him politely, as he rides by. 

"Have a great day, my man." says God.

"You too!" I reply. We are both in a good mood. 

God keeps going down the road, I see he has an old cardboard box wrapped in plastic on the back of the bike. God might have a pair of shoes in the box, or a few books. Or a lunch. He rides easy into the storm, as I am walking away from it. 

Later, I know I'll be walking into the wind and rain, when I have to make my way back. 


St Louis Park

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Chung Tzu: Phantom Cup & Real Water

Chung Tzu and I are in the backyard, on the deck in the first warm sun of spring. We are facing the alley.

"After all these years, I see." I say.

Chung Tzu looks at me sideways, just past the edge of the newspaper. 

"Truly, I see."

Chung Tzu rustles the newspaper, goes back to reading. 

"I will start to stop trying." 

"AHEM!" says Chung Tzu, as if to the squirrels. "Phantom cup! Real water."


South Florida Street
St Louis Park