Wednesday, May 20, 2020


he had a booming voice
a personality like fireworks 
loud applause or thunder
organizing poetry at the cafe
he built a podium with a light
out of unvarnished wood
the podium was straight and tall
master carpenter
you had to step up onto it
as he ran a tight ship in readings
scrupulously fair about how long
you'd be able to read 
poetry was his ideal and his life
he was as impressive as irritating
gracious as impetuous 
courteous singing brash
and rude vibrant gloating graceful
remembering forgetting but
never for a moment 
regular boring
or ordinary 

"joy was his song and joy so pure
a heart of star by him could steer"

'My father moved through dooms of love'
ee cummings 

Lew Gardner
1931 - 2018

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