Wednesday, October 03, 2007

a poet/ has no patience


has no patience
for poetry

going out
most of it is
words words
phrases complicated
so involved!

(written for
other poets
who dare not
leave their
ivory towers

or written
for the dead
that he
thinks were
greater than


a fresh
wind blows
through the
small backyard
bringing some
leaves down
by a rabbit

yellow leaves

oak park
october 2007

1 comment:

Josh Maday said...

This is a good one. Especially the second stanza. So true.

I hope you're sending your work out for publication; I mean I like being able to read it here, all in one place, but it definitely deserves the glory of magazine publication (even if it counters the stanza I enjoyed so much in this poem).

I'm looking forward to your new book. Hope all is well.