Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Poem - something is wrong when the toilet will not shut off


something is wrong when the toilet will not shut off
something is wrong when the toilet roars like a lion


etwas ist unrecht wenn die toilette nicht etwas ist
unrecht abstellt wenn die toilette wie ein löwe brüllt


qualcosa è torto quando la toletta non spegnerà
qualcosa è torto quando la toletta rugge come un leone


algo é erro quando o toalete não cortará algo é erro
quando o toalete ruje como um leão


что-то неправда когда туалет не отключит что-то
неправда когда туалет взревет как львев


기술을 가진 이 생활의 신비는 신비 결코 정지하지 않
을 것이다


Josh Maday said...

this is real. i like how the different languages suggest that it is universal, just like the swear words said when trying to fix that 'something wrong.' nice 'n, cm.

CM said...

hey josh, thanks for the comment -- you make an interesting point