Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Sleepy Discussion with Chung Tzu

After a period of lucid dreaming, I am having a hard time waking up. I feel half immersed in dreams, even when I am brushing my teeth.

I go outside, and see that it is pleasantly snowing. When I get to the house, Chung Tzu is in the kitchen.

"I had lucid dreams before I woke up, and now I'm trying to be awake." I say to him.

"No, you're still asleep." Chung Tzu says.

"How can I wake up?"

"Well, the best you've done, is to be semi-awake."

"When was that?"

"Oh, I guess about 7 months ago, for about 15 minutes."

"I guess that's better than nothing."

"Sure. I think, possibly, you'll be semi-awake again in about 6 weeks."

"If I go on retreat?"

"Yeah. You tend to be very sleepy around here."

We are quiet. He blows on his tea. Meanwhile, I see it has been gently, softly snowing, all along.

"Going on a retreat would be nice."

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