Sunday, December 13, 2009


There is Radar. I've been told about Gaydar. Daniel, 3 years old, has Toydar. When June thought Danny was distracted she tried hiding a Christmas Gift at the bottom of a box, with several things on top of it, hidden in a closet -- it took the kid about 10 minutes to find the toy. June has no idea how he could have found it out. Daniel has also found another possible Christmas Gift after June hid it behind the toybox in the living room, when Daniel was out of the room. It took Danny 5 minutes to find that one. And Dan's Toydar is just getting better and better, the more things are hidden from him. I'm imagining Danny Boy one day with x-rays shooing out of his eyes, effortlessly seeing though walls and packages -- on that day, to hide something from him, we'll have to shield it with lead. Viva la Toydar!


nd said...

Toydar does exist. Last year at Christmas time, my sister in law was freaking out because my now 3 year old nephew zachary "boomer" asked her where the toy he saw her buy went. She said she "forgot" to buy it, and he told her to check again because he was sure it was in the bag she brought into her room. The look on his little face as she lied to him tried all of her mommy conscience.

CM said...