Sunday, August 15, 2021

sunburned at the saint croix river

sunburned at the saint croix river
just on the minnesota side 
blue lagoon with waving sea grasses
while boat after boat adventurously run
north or south with american flags

long white trunks of trees
fallen on the beach looking like
ballerina legs in mid flight

a church group comes down
50 or so tightly packed in a mass
and they sing and baptize 

the day seems to last forever
every condition so full and so fixed
blades of grass insects and every stone
all around with light and breeze
the senses seek eyes enchanted

we consider the trek back
gradually we gather things
as the wind blows harder

the water surface stippled
still shining yet evening tint
even the boats go away

then what a fabulous night it must be
at the saint croix river
a forever secant untampered 
with crickets and a billion stars
the calm waters parted slightly
by a wandering deer or frog


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