Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Taking a Ride with Chung Tzu


I find Chung Tzu in the livingroom.

"Come here, my darling, and sit with me on the couch, I have a teaching to give you."

I sit with Chung Tzu. He seems to be gathering his thoughts. Then, instead of speaking to me, he plays "Low Rider" on the stereo at ear-splitting volume.

"What was that?" I ask, when the song is done.

"Ah." says Chung Tzu, "Perchance we should have the teaching again. Don't give up."

Chung Tzu plays "Low Rider" again, this time a bit more louder.

"What?" Is all I can say.

"You'll get there. One last time." Chung Tzu plays the song. This time, he sings along to emphasize the lyrics.

"Okay. I got it." I lie.

Chung Tzu seems to be artificially pleased. "Mmmmmm! I admire how receptive you are!"


After Chung Tzu has left, I find the song & lyrics are stuck in my head all day, endlessly repeating. And eventually, after considering it more, I see Chung Tzu's point clearer and clearer.

I call Chung Tzu, but he's out, so I leave a message on his voicemail, "I got it."

When I check my messages later, I have a message from Chung Tzu, "I know!"

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